1:1 Literacy Support In Person - Summer

1:1 Literacy Support In Person - Summer
Photo collage of students being tutored at the Community Literacy Center

This page is for Summer 1:1 Literacy Support. If you're looking for the spring program, enroll here: Spring 1:1 Literacy Support

Work on your summer reading and writing goals with a CLC tutor!

Students meet individually with a tutor for 45 minute sessions. During their first meetings, students complete assessments and establish a literacy goal. Tutors use students’ assessments, interests, and goals to guide research-based, developmentally appropriate literacy instruction. Activities might include: word chains, word ladders, phonics instruction, reader’s theater, riddles, jokes, assisted reading, writing activities, and more.

Who: Students in grades K-12

Where: UNH Community Literacy Center, Morrill Hall, Suite 109, 63 College Rd., Durham, NH. 

When: Day(s) and time(s) will be scheduled upon receipt of registration. Day and early evening meetings are available. Summer literacy support meets the following weeks:

  • June 23-27
  • July 7-11
  • July 14-18
  • July 21-25
  • July 28-August 1

Literacy Support is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early for the greatest time/day selection. After registration is complete, the CLC will contact the parent to learn about the child as a reader and writer and set up the tutoring schedule.

Tutoring sessions are purchased via punch cards. Purchase the number of sessions needed for the whole summer. For example, to have the student meet 2x per week for 5 weeks, purchase 10 punches.

The Community Literacy Center does not offer refunds for Summer 1:1 Literacy Support.

Punch Card Type Cost Registration Close Date
(unless full earlier)
5-session $138 June 7
10-session $250 June 7

How to Enroll: Click the '+' on the block(s) on the right to enroll in the desired session number. If using a mobile device, the block(s) may appear on the bottom of the page. Review the Online Registration Instructions before enrolling for the best outcome.

Family Accounts are recommended for enrolling multiple children from one family in any UNH Youth Program. If you already have an account in our system, you will be asked to log into either a Family or Student Account after adding the program to your shopping cart. Be sure to use the username and password for the type of account you wish to log into. We recommend attempting to log into the Student or Family account before enrollment opens as this will minimize difficulty and time while enrolling. Email youth.programs@islmway.com if you require assistance recovering your account information. Do not create a new account if you have one already.

If you don't have an account already, you can set up an account at any time, even before you begin the registration process. When you create a new account, the email address provided in the profile should be that of a parent/legal guardian, not the participating student. Review the Online Registration Instructions before creating a new account.

For program questions and more information, contact Bethany Silva: literacy.center@islmway.com 

For the program website: Community Literacy Center

Durham Campus - Community Literacy Center
138.00 5-Session Summer Lit Support Fee
Durham Campus - Community Literacy Center
250.00 10-Session Summer Lit Support Fee